Wisdom Teeth Surgery in Kurnool

Find the Best Wisdom teeth Extractions Treatment in kurnool

SARA Dental Clinic in Kurnool offers the best wisdom teeth extraction treatment with their team of experienced dentists and advanced technology. Wisdom teeth can often cause discomfort, pain, and infections, and SARA Dental Clinic provides effective and efficient solutions for their patients.

Best Wisdom teeth Extractions Treatment


Q. Why are wisdom teeth extracted?

Wisdom teeth are often extracted if they cause pain, infection, damage to nearby teeth, or other dental problems.

Q. How do I know if my wisdom teeth need to be extracted?

Symptoms include pain, swelling, infection, difficulty opening the mouth, or radiating pain. A dentist or oral surgeon can evaluate and recommend extraction if necessary.

Q. Is wisdom tooth extraction painful?

The procedure is performed under anesthesia, so there shouldn't be pain during the surgery. Some discomfort and swelling afterward can be managed with medications.

Q. How long is the recovery period for wisdom tooth extraction?

Recovery typically takes about a week. Follow post-operative instructions for optimal healing.

Q. Are there risks or complications with wisdom tooth extraction?

Risks are rare but can include infection, dry socket, nerve damage, or damage to nearby teeth. Follow instructions and attend follow-up appointments to minimize risks.

Q. Will I be sedated during the extraction?

Sedation options vary. Local anesthesia is used, and additional sedation options like oral sedation or nitrous oxide may be available based on your preferences and the complexity of the case.

Q. How long does the wisdom tooth extraction procedure take?

Extraction duration depends on complexity but typically takes 20 minutes to an hour.

Q. What are the latest advances in wisdom tooth extraction?

Advances include the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) for better imaging, laser-assisted techniques for less invasive procedures, and improved instruments and techniques for faster healing and reduced discomfort.

Q. How should I care for the extraction site?

Follow post-operative care instructions, which may include rinsing with saltwater, avoiding smoking, using prescribed mouthwash, and keeping the area clean.

Q. When can I resume normal activities after extraction?

Rest for the first 24 hours, then gradually resume normal activities as comfort allows, avoiding excessive exertion.

Q. Will I need stitches after extraction?

Stitches may be used if necessary. Some dissolve on their own, while others require removal during a follow-up visit.