Oral Cancer Treatment in Kurnool

Find the Best Oral Cancer Treatment in kurnool

If you're seeking the best oral cancer treatment center in Kurnool, look no further than SARA Dental Clinic. The clinic's experienced and highly skilled team of dentists and oncologists utilize the latest techniques and technologies to diagnose and treat oral cancer.

With a focus on patient-centered care, SARA Dental Clinic provides a comprehensive approach to treatment, addressing not only the cancer itself but also the overall well-being of the patient. By booking an appointment at SARA Dental Clinic, you can trust that you'll receive the highest level of care and support throughout your cancer journey.

Oral Cancer Treatment


Q. What is oral cancer?

Abnormal cell growth in the oral cavity, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat.

Q. What are the signs of oral cancer?

Persistent mouth sores, red/white patches, bleeding, difficulty swallowing/speaking, and lumps in the mouth/neck.

Q. How is oral cancer diagnosed?

Through physical examination, biopsy, and imaging tests like X-rays and CT/MRI scans.

Q. What are the treatment options?

Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these approaches

Q. Is oral cancer treatable?

Yes, especially when detected early. Treatment success depends on factors like stage and overall health.

Q. Are there side effects of treatment?

Yes, including fatigue, nausea, mouth sores, hair loss, and increased infection risk. Supportive care is provided.

Q. How can I reduce the risk of oral cancer?

Avoid tobacco/alcohol, maintain oral hygiene, eat a healthy diet, get vaccinated against HPV, and have regular screenings.

Q. Can oral cancer be prevented?

While not guaranteed, a healthy lifestyle and risk reduction strategies can significantly lower the risk.

Q. How often should I get screened for oral cancer?

Generally, at least once a year or as recommended by your dentist or healthcare provider.

Q. What should I do if I notice symptoms or changes?

Consult a dentist or healthcare professional promptly for a thorough examination and early detection.