Gum Surgery in Kurnool

Find the Best Gum Surgery Treatment in kurnool

If you're looking for the best gum surgery treatment in Kurnool, SARA Dental Clinic is a great option to consider. Their team of experienced and skilled periodontists offers a range of gum surgery treatments, including scaling and root planing, gum grafting, and laser gum surgery, among others.

They use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to provide effective and comfortable treatment for gum disease and other periodontal issues. In addition to their expertise in gum surgery, SARA Dental Clinic is known for their commitment to patient care and comfort, ensuring that you receive personalized and compassionate treatment throughout your visit.

Gum Surgery Treatment


Q. What is gum disease?

It's an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth.

Q. What causes gum disease?

Poor oral hygiene and factors like smoking, hormonal changes, medications, genetics, and systemic diseases contribute to gum disease.

Q. What are the signs of gum disease?

Symptoms include swollen or tender gums, bleeding, bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth, and changes in bite.

Q. How can I prevent gum disease?

Practice good oral hygiene, regular brushing and flossing, dental check-ups, avoid tobacco, maintain a healthy diet, and manage systemic health conditions.

Q. Can gum disease be reversed?

Early gum disease (gingivitis) can be reversed with proper oral hygiene and dental cleanings. Advanced gum disease (periodontitis) requires more extensive treatment.

Q. How is gum disease treated

Treatment options include deep cleaning, medications, gum surgery, bone grafts, and tissue regeneration procedures, depending on the severity.

Q. Is gum disease contagious?

Gum disease itself is not contagious, but the bacteria involved can be transmitted through saliva.

Q. Can gum disease affect overall health?

Yes, gum disease has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and pregnancy complications.

Q. How often should I see a dentist for gum disease?

Regular dental check-ups, at least twice a year, are important for early detection and treatment of gum disease.

Q. Can gum disease be reversed at home?

While oral hygiene is crucial, professional intervention is typically required to reverse gum disease.

Consult a dental professional for personalized advice and treatment regarding gum disease management.