Tmj & salivary Gland Disorders in Kurnool

Find the Best Tmj & salivary Gland Disorders Treatment in kurnool

SARA Dental Clinic in Kurnool is your go-to dental clinic for the best TMJ and salivary gland disorders treatment. Our experienced team of dental professionals offers a wide range of specialized treatments and services to help you overcome any dental issues you may be experiencing.

With the latest technology and cutting-edge techniques, we provide personalized treatment plans tailored to meet your unique needs. Our goal is to provide exceptional care in a comfortable and welcoming environment, ensuring that you feel at ease throughout your entire visit. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthy and pain-free smile.

Tmj & salivary Gland Disorders Treatment


Q.What are TMJ disorders?

Conditions affecting the jaw joint causing pain and dysfunction.

Q. What are the common symptoms?

Jaw pain, clicking/popping sounds, difficulty opening/closing the mouth, facial pain, headaches, and earaches.

Q. What causes TMJ disorders?

Factors include jaw injury, arthritis, teeth grinding, misalignment, stress, and certain medical conditions.

Q. How are TMJ disorders diagnosed?

Evaluation by a healthcare professional, physical examination, and sometimes imaging tests.

Q. What are the treatment options?

Self-care, dental splints, physical therapy, pain medications, and rarely, surgery.

Q. Can TMJ disorders be cured?

They can be managed effectively but may require ongoing management for some individuals.

Q. Any home remedies for TMJ pain relief?

Eating soft foods, avoiding extreme jaw movements, applying heat/cold packs, and stress reduction techniques.

Q. Can stress worsen TMJ disorders?

Yes, stress can lead to jaw clenching or teeth grinding, aggravating the condition.

Q. Can I eat normally with a TMJ disorder?

Modification of the diet may be necessary temporarily, opting for soft foods to minimize jaw strain.

Q. How long does it take to recover from a TMJ disorder?

Recovery duration varies, but many experience symptom reduction within weeks or months with proper management.

Q.When should I seek professional help?

If symptoms persist, worsen, or significantly impact daily life, consult a healthcare professional or dentist for evaluation and personalized recommendations