Salivary Gland Treatment in Kurnool

Find the Best Salivary Gland Treatment in kurnool

If you are in search of the best salivary gland treatment in Kurnool, look no further than SARA Dental Clinic. They specialize in providing excellent oral cancer treatments, ensuring the highest level of care for their patients. With their team of skilled and experienced professionals, they offer comprehensive solutions for salivary gland conditions, including diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment care. To benefit from their expertise and book an appointment, reach out to SARA Dental Clinic today. Your oral health is their priority.

Salivary Gland Treatment


Q. What are salivary glands?

Salivary glands produce saliva, which lubricates the mouth, aids digestion, and protects teeth.

Q. What are salivary gland disorders?

They are conditions that affect the normal functioning of the salivary glands, including infections, blockages, tumors, or autoimmune diseases.

Q. What causes salivary gland disorders?

Common causes include infections, blockages, autoimmune diseases, medications, radiation therapy, or tumors.

Q. What are the symptoms of salivary gland disorders?

Symptoms include swelling, pain, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, foul taste, fever, and facial pain.

Q. How are salivary gland disorders diagnosed?

Diagnosis involves medical history review, physical examination, and tests like blood tests, imaging, sialography, or biopsy.

Q. Can salivary gland disorders be treated?

Yes, treatment depends on the specific condition and may include antibiotics, pain relievers, warm compresses, stone removal, or surgery.

Are salivary gland disorders contagious?

Salivary gland disorders themselves are not contagious, but some infections causing them can be.

Q. Can salivary gland disorders be prevented?

Good oral hygiene, hydration, avoiding tobacco/alcohol, and seeking prompt treatment can reduce the risk.

Q. When should I see a doctor for a salivary gland disorder?

See a doctor if swelling, pain, or other symptoms persist beyond a few days for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Remember, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate diagnosis and personalized advice regarding salivary gland disorders.